ID IGEP Research Rotation Program

Students will be guaranteed funding through their first academic year (August through May) from the ID IGEP program. Support includes a living stipend, tuition waiver and health insurance. This program is jointly funded by the Provost, Graduate School and the participating colleges.
After their first academic year, continued funding for students in the ID IGEP may come from external grants to their major advisors, teaching assistantships, student-initiated grant proposals, or other funding sources, but the major advisor and the student's home department will have committed to providing continuing funding beyond the first academic year, contingent on satisfactory student progress.
In order to ensure a good fit between the ID IGEP student and the major advisor, and to help build cross-campus collaborations, every ID IGEP student is required to participate in three four-week rotations during their first fall semester on campus.
Students will gain valuable technical skills during their three different lab rotations and they will develop professionally by giving oral presentations to the ID IGEP community at the end of each rotation period. Students will match to the laboratory of their major PI by the end of the fall semester, join the department of their PI and earn their degree in that department.

Fralin Life Sciences Institute
Virginia Tech Corporate Research Center (CRC)
Integrated Life Science Building (ILSB)
1981 Kraft Dr, Room 2036
Blacksburg, VA 24060
Ann Stevens:
Office Phone: (540)-231-9378
Lab Phone: (540)-231-2342
FAX: (540)-231-9307
A. Jonathan Auguste:
Office Phone: (540)231-6158